Abergaz - punk bend
New website on this link


...but will also let this page to rot in the web space.

FAQ moment: 
Q:"Why is this site so ugly?"
A:"Why does it need to be pretty??"

Fucking advertises. They weren't here when created this page.

For booking, contact on





Album smo snimili 11.6.2010. na Radiu Student (100.5 FM u Zagrebu) u emisiji 3600 sekundi. Kompletan album, sa omotom, možete besplatno skinuti na linku dolje. / We recorded live album on June 11, 2010 at Radio Student (100.5 FM in Zagreb) in show called 3600 seconds. You can download for free, complete album, with cover, at link down there.

Download link:

YouTube banned our "Ako se želiš smijat - live @ Monteparadiso club, Pula" video from their site, so we uploaded it on this link:
Lyrics and "artistic nudity", are also included in this video, if you know what i mean
You were warned!

Our first studio album:

Game by: Njec - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD IT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







Evo par riječi o bendu Abergaz ....
Bend nastao 7.3.2006. Sviramo buntovni punk, ali se volimo i zajebavat u svojim pjesmama. U stvaranju naših pjesama, ne naziremo granice, tako da su nam teme pjesama od primitivnih budala, koje haraju ulicama, preko raznoraznih cinjenica u svijetu (i okolici), koje se tiču svih nas, htjeli mi to ili ne, pa sve do konfuzija u vlastitoj glavi, pa i do vječite teme seksa, a i ljubavi, ali i raznoraznih drugih bića, stvari, pojava i tome svemu slicnom... Ne zna nitko, pa ni mi sami, gdje počinju, a gdje prestaju teme naših pjesama. Uostalom, cujte sami, ako to želite. Pjevamo na hrvatskom jeziku, jer je to jezik na kojem razmišljamo. Bend je od samog početka bio, a i danas je vrlo nihilistično nastrojen prema svijetu oko sebe. Do sada (znaci od 7.3.2006.), smo odsvirali oko 30 koncerata, što valjda govori da smo raspoloženi za svirke, te da smo LIVE bend. Možemo (a i ne moramo ), istaknuti nastupe na Viva La Pola(2007.), DOF (2007.), No Border Jam (Maribor, 2008.), Kuštro Festival (Grebnice, BiH, 2008.) i tako dalje i tako dalje....

Few words about Abergaz ....
Band was formed on March 7th 2006. We are playing rebellious punk, but we also like to joke in our songs. In creation of our songs, we don't see boundaries, so themes of our songs are from primitive fools, that are raging on the streets, through various facts in the world (and around), that concern all of us, like it or not, and to confusion in own mind, even to the eternal themes of sex, and love, and various other creatures, objects, phenomena and that all similar... No one knows, not even ourselves, where start and where stops the themes of our songs.. Anyway, hear for yourself, if you wish. We are singing on Croatian language, because that is the language of our thoughts. The band was from the beginning and now very nihilistic-minded, in reactions about the world that is around us. Until now (from March 7th 2006.), we played about 30 concerts, which (I guess) shows, that we are in the mood for performing live shows, and that we are live band.
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